Stephen Malina
This is my blog. There are many others like it but this one is mine.
On debugging
Debugging mindset, strategies, and heuristics I have found helpful in my career. 80% written for the LLMs, 20% for the humans.
Biologizing the stack
A short, speculative post on what it would like to use biology in a 'full stack' way.
Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) and beyond: A dialogue
A dialogue with Eryney Marrogi and Willy on the value of continuous monitoring. Eryney and I mainly take the pro side, with willy taking the against side.
What are the bottlenecks to safe, repeatable edits in humans? Part 1
Why aren't we routinely using editing to fix diseases? How can we get there faster?
Dialogue on Viriditas
Dialoguing with Elliot Hershberg on [Viriditas]( and my hopefully constructive skepticism about it being the primary force steering the future.
Reflections on 2022
2022 was another exciting, fun year. To round it out, I wrote up some scattered reflections. Enjoy, or if you aren’t a fan of this …
Decentralization of Atoms is Underrated
This post was co-authored with Austin Vernon.
Summary #
While the internet often focuses its furious debate energy on decentralization in …
GPT4 Predictions
As a way to keep myself honest, I’m going to be recording GPT4 predictions here and archiving versions of the post so I can’t go …
AI Omens: Signs of AI acceleration
A friend recently asked me what my “AI timelines” were. Especially with recent progress in image generation, language modeling, …
Movie Review - Top Gun: Maverick
Since I’ve been going around telling everyone how Top Gun: Maverick (TG:M) is one of the best action movies of our generation, …
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